In order to think clearly about this question it is helpful
to remember that the opposite of optimism is pessimism. Realism is not the
opposite of optimism.
My understanding is that realists seek to base their
estimates of the probability of future events on evidence of one kind or
another. Optimists tend to over-estimate the probability of positive future
events. Realistic optimists are aware of their optimistic tendencies when they
make predictions and important decisions.

Tali Sharot suggests that the optimism bias has evolved
because it encourages people to try to transform their predictions into reality:
“The brain is organized in a way that enables optimistic
beliefs to change the way we view and interact with the world around us, making
optimism a self-fulfilling prophecy”.
Sharot recognizes that optimism can be a health and wealth
hazard when it causes people to make risky choices. She suggests:
“if we are aware of the bias, we would should be able to
remain optimistic – while at the same time being able to promote action that
will guard us from the pitfalls of unrealistic optimism”.
One point that occurred to me while reading The Optimism Bias is that this bias may
often compensate for other common biases such as risk aversion and loss
aversion, which tend to pull in the opposite direction. (I doubt whether I am
the first person to think of this. It occurred to me that the logical place to
look for a discussion would be Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, but I couldn’t find it even though his
chapters discussing the optimism bias and loss aversion are in close proximity.)
The research by Robb Rutledge, which I discussed in “What is the secret of happiness?” seems relevant. If we have chosen a particular strategy because of
its potential to yield high average returns over the longer term, it is often
better to stick with it even if outcomes are disappointing in the short term.
Under those circumstances, realistic optimism would help us to reject the temptation
to avoid further disappointment by lowering our expectations and adopting a low-risk/low-return
A point that should be emphasised is that optimistic
expectations can only become self-fulfilling if they induce people to change
their behaviour in ways that make them self-fulfilling. There is support for
that view in recent research by Elizabeth Tenny, Jennifer Logg and Don Moore. This
research suggests that the benefits of optimism lie mainly in encouraging
people to increase their effort in order to improve performance.
Similar findings were obtained in research by Gigi Foster
and Paul Frijters (abstract here) comparing the expectations of Australian
students about the grades they were likely to achieve with the grades they
actually achieved. Individuals with high self-esteem were found to over-predict
their outcomes and to put in more effort than fellow-students with otherwise
similar characteristics.
Humans do seem to have an inbuilt potential for realistic
optimism that enables them to set goals that are not far beyond their reach and
then inspires them to work hard to attain those goals. However, potential is
like a glass half full. The processes that function autonomously within us do not necessarily ensure that we remain
optimistic or that our optimism is tempered by realism. In order to attain and maintain
realistic optimism we need to become sufficiently self-aware and equanimous to
avoid the pitfalls of pessimism and unrealistic optimism.
I am having second thoughts about the extent to which an optimism bias should be considered normal. The short allele variant of the 5-HTTLPR, which is associated with stronger attentional bias toward negative stimuli, is apparently present in almost half of the population of countries for which data is available. Most of us view optimism as desirable, but many of us have to exert some effort in order to maintain an optimistic outlook.
I am having second thoughts about the extent to which an optimism bias should be considered normal. The short allele variant of the 5-HTTLPR, which is associated with stronger attentional bias toward negative stimuli, is apparently present in almost half of the population of countries for which data is available. Most of us view optimism as desirable, but many of us have to exert some effort in order to maintain an optimistic outlook.