I want to focus here on what light the book sheds on how we
should encourage people to adopt more healthy lifestyles. Some people who are
reading this will be thinking that I must have worked in the public sector for
too long and become addicted to the ‘we’ word. Why should ‘we’ encourage people
to live healthy lifestyles? Shouldn’t ‘we’ mind our own business? Well, in this
instance I am using the ‘we’ word because it is appropriate. I think we would
all want members of our own families and our friends to live healthy lifestyles,
and probably feel that it would be good to encourage them to do that.
A logical place for an economist to begin would be to consider
whether incentives - rewards, threats or punishments - should be used to
encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles. The message that I get from Tim
Wilson’s book is that while incentives can change behaviour, they are not
likely to bring about a desired change in the way people see themselves or in
their intrinsic motivations. For example, in commenting on incentive programs
designed to encourage kids to read more, Wilson writes:
‘If we want kids to read more, then rewarding them can work
– as long as the incentives continue to be available. Rewards can produce
compliance, just as punishment can. But … we want our kids to internalize
desired attitudes and values … . After all, we can’t reward them for reading a
book for the rest of their lives’.
Wilson also refers to experimental evidence that rewards can
actually undermine intrinsic interest in an activity by convincing kids that they are doing it for the reward and not because it is enjoyable. When the
reward is removed, participation in the activity was lower than in the
pre-reward baseline period.
The conclusion Wilson comes to is that parents should use
rewards and threats that are minimally sufficient to get kids to do the desired
behaviours, i.e. not so strong that the kids view the threat or reward as the
reason they are acting that way. If the child is told you will be ‘very upset
and angry’ if she does something wrong she will desist to avoid getting in to
trouble. If she is told you will be ‘a little annoyed’ she will still desist
because she sees herself as a good kid.
So, incentives are no panacea. What else doesn’t work? The
book provides quite a few examples of programs that bring people who are
considered ‘at risk’ or ‘potential delinquents’ together in various ways (boot
camps, counselling sessions etc.) to try to change their behaviour. The
experimental evidence suggests that such programs don’t work because people who
are brought together learn from each other and identify with group norms.
Another form of intervention that apparently doesn’t work is to scare
the hell out of people by showing them very graphically what might happen if
they engage in binge drinking, smoke cigarettes, take drugs and so forth. Threatening
people with dire consequences for doing things they don’t want to do in the
first place can have paradoxical effects. For example, some people may get the
message that maybe they are tempted to engage in the undesirable behaviour, after
all, since people are going to extreme lengths to talk them out of it.
So, what does work? One approach that works is autonomy
support. This involves helping young
people understand the value of different alternatives facing them and conveying
a sense that they are responsible for choosing which path to follow.
Encouraging young people to become involved in volunteering
seems to have desirable effects on many aspects of their behaviour. The author
‘Involving at-risk teens in volunteer work can lead to a
beneficial change in how they view themselves, fostering the sense that they
are valuable members of the community who have a stake in the future, thereby
reducing the likelihood that they engage in risky behaviours …’
It may be possible to encourage young people to adopt
healthier lifestyles by correcting incorrect perceptions about the behavior and
attitudes of other young people. For
example, there is apparently a tendency for young people to over-estimate the
amount of alcohol their peers drink. When correct information is disseminated,
they lower their estimates of how much their peers drink and reduce their own
I don’t think Tim Wilson makes any broad generalizations in
this book about how we should encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles. In
fact, he doesn’t make many generalizations about anything. One of the important
messages in the book is the need for appropriate experimental testing to see
what actually works. It seems to me, however, that it would be fairly safe to
conclude from the book that the best way to encourage people to adopt more healthy
lifestyles is through subtle interventions that redirect the narratives that
they have about themselves.