The social singularity should not be confused with the
technological singularity, which Wikipedia defines as the hypothesis that
invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway
technological growth, resulting in unfathomable change to human civilization.

The Social Singularity,
as described by Max Borders in his recently published book of that name, relates
to the way we (humans) organise ourselves in relation to each other. Max’s
hypothesis is that at some point social organisation will be completely
transformed as a result of mass adoption of secure networking technologies.
When that happens some existing mediating structures will become obsolete, new
forms of coordination will emerge and we will collaborate as never before.
What does that mean in terms that you and I can understand?
The best place to begin is with the concept of subversive innovation. You might
think it is tedious to begin an explanation by introducing another concept, but
I promise to provide some concrete examples before long.
These days just about everyone knows what an innovation is.
Most readers will be familiar with disruptive innovations that are making many goods
more accessible and affordable. Subversive innovations “are those that have the
potential to replace long-accepted mediating structures of society”. The
mediating structures that Max is writing about include: hierarchical firms; group-think
practices among the scientific establishment that have led to widespread acceptance
of numerous findings that cannot be replicated; centralised education which
views students as having “heads like buckets to be filled with information
curated by central elites”; long-standing practices of financial intermediaries;
mainstream media that once generated social coherence; and national governments.
Readers will already be familiar with some of the subversive
innovations that are occurring. Some firms are replacing hierarchical command
and control structures with decentralised systems in which self-directed individuals
create order by establishing networks to achieve common purposes. The Internet
has enabled informal networks of people, often including amateurs, who question
scientific dogma e.g. the paleo-diet movement. Disruptive innovation has begun
in primary, secondary and tertiary education. Long-established practices of
financial institutions are being challenged by block chain technologies, and
cryptocurrencies are enabling people to transact without using national
currencies or financial intermediaries. The Internet has disrupted the role of
mainstream media in generating social coherence - making it possible for
populists to challenge political orthodoxy, but also reducing the potential for
views to coalesce around a deeply flawed narrative.
The potential for subversive innovations to displace centralised
government is in my view the most interesting idea in the book. We can already
see this happening to some extent as innovating firms search out the weak
joints in government regulation, particularly the regulatory barriers to
competition that have enabled incumbents in various industries to prosper at
the expense of the rest of the community. Think of how Uber’s ridesharing
innovations circumvented regulations protecting incumbents in the taxi
Max suggests that the potential for subversive innovations
to displace centralised government will be enhanced by the advent of smart contracts
in which a host of humans can act together to achieve a common goal without
middlemen. The coordinating mechanism of smart contracts involves distributed
ledgers, programmable incentives and blockchain secured tokens. Tokens can align
the interests of producers, consumers and investors in ways that may have potential
to enable many types of public goods to be produced privately by profit-seeking
entrepreneurs. It doesn’t seem possible at this stage to provide a concrete
example of how this might work. Perhaps it can be thought of as crowdsourcing
on steroids.
Where might this take us? Max suggests that the potential for
people to forge real social contracts - contracts they choose to enter voluntarily
rather than the hypothetical social contracts of political theory - “could
become the killer app of politics”:
"Communities of tomorrow will form entire systems of
mutual aid through digital compacts that have nothing to do with borders or
accidents of birth. … Humanity will upload important commitments into social
contracts. Cosmopolitan communities of practice will form in the electronic
ether. What remains on the ground—goods, services, and the relationships of
flesh-and-blood neighbors—will be a far more localized phenomenon. The days of
outsourcing our civic responsibilities to distant capitals are numbered."
What Max has in mind is polyarchy – competitive provision of
goods that have been provided collectively. The basic idea is that if there is
nothing intrinsically territorial about a system that provides goods like
health insurance or education, you should be allowed to exit one system and
join another without moving to a different system’s territory. You could take
resources you were once required to pay in taxation and use them to pay for
membership of another community or multiple other communities.
So, what reason do we have to think that governments might one
day be willing to recognize the right of exit required to make polyarchy a reality?
Max notes that new constituencies are forming around the
benefits of the sharing economy:
"Special interests that once squeaked to get the oil
are confronted by battalions bearing smartphones. Citizens, fed up with leaving
their prayers in the voting booth, are voting more with their dollars and their
devices. Free association is now ensured by design, not by statute."
The Social Singularity
mixes the author’s views on how things ought to evolve and how he expects them
to evolve. Max acknowledges that he does this. The book offers readers an
appealing vision of how the future could evolve and invites them to help make that
vision a reality.
The book contains much that I haven’t written about in this short
review. I should mention the link between the social singularity and spiral
dynamics. Now I have mentioned it, I want to write more about it. Perhaps later!
I should also note before concluding that the title of the
book, as presented on the title page, is The
Social Singularity: A Decentralist Manifesto. Decentralization is a theme
of the book. Max begins his chapter on the future of governance by quoting
Vincent Ostrom:
“The fashioning of a truly free world depends on building
fundamental infrastructures that enable different peoples to become self-governing”.
In a post I wrote a few months ago I mused about how Ostrom’s vision of decentralisation of
politics could eventually become a reality. If I ever write on that topic again
there will be a reference to Max Borders and the concept of subversive
innovations will feature prominently.
The Social Singularity
deserves to be read widely and
thought about deeply.
1. You might also be interested in a follow-up post on how human values may change as we approach the social singularity.
1. You might also be interested in a follow-up post on how human values may change as we approach the social singularity.
2. Simon Saval has drawn my attention to his excellent hand-illustrated guides for Blockchain, Cryptocurrency,
Bitcoin, and Ethereum which have been designed to help beginners understand the technology. If you are interested, please follow the link.