Easterly argues persuasively that in viewing
economic development as a technical problem requiring expert solutions,
development economists have strengthened the hands of autocrats and deprived
the poor of their rights. His
examination of economic growth experience suggests that leaders matter very
little for either good or ill – the influence of leadership is overshadowed by
other factors such booms and busts in commodity prices.
He concludes:
“This is not good news for the experts. If leaders do not
drive growth, then the experts advising them do not drive growth either. The
experts had promised to deliver high growth in return for giving them and their
autocratic pupils more power. There is no evidence that they have delivered.
The growth-payoff justification for the Tyranny of Experts has turned out to be
In my view, Bill Easterly’s attack on strong political
leaders (and their expert advisers) involves too much collateral damage. My
reading of history (as well as my own experience in the economic advice
industry) suggests to me that strong political leadership is not always at variance
with “spontaneous solutions arising from political and economic rights”. Some strong
political leaders have been able to use democratic processes to overcome
interest groups which have been using their political muscle to restrict
freedom. Surely the relevant choice is between freedom and its alternatives. I
will return to this point later.
Bill Easterly argues that proponents of the technocratic approach
to economic development have failed to establish that it delivers greater
development in exchange for sacrifices in individual freedom. He does not argue
that such aid always requires sacrifices in freedom. The technocrats who claim
rigorous evidence in favour of some forms of development aid (e.g. treated
mosquito nets and deworming drugs) can reasonably claim that such assistance
expands opportunities available to individuals without in any way restricting
their freedom.
Easterly’s point is that by viewing development as a purely
technical problem, the technocrats systemically overlook the human rights
abuses of the autocrats they help to keep in power. He cites the example of Meles
Zenawi, an Ethiopian autocrat who has been praised by Bill Gates and Tony Blair
for reductions in child mortality that may not actually have happened. Zenawi
used aid funds to blackmail starving peasants into supporting his regime and he
forcefully relocated farmers in the Gambella region to model villages so that
he could sell their land to foreign investors.
In some other instances there is a more direct link between
aid and the abuse of individual rights. For example, the book begins with the
story of a World Bank funded forestry project in the Mubende district of Uganda.
This aid project involved the forced evacuation of local farmers to enable a
British forestry company to take over their land.
Bill Easterly presents evidence that poor people value freedom
as an end in itself, but his defence of freedom is not based entirely on those
grounds. He argues that freedom promotes individualistic values that favour
economic development. By contrast, autocrats promote the interests of the kingdom
(or state) above those of the individual and foster collectivist values that
are inimical to economic development. That view is consistent with the recent
history of rapid economic growth in countries such as China, as well as with the
longer history of economic growth in high income countries. Easterly points out
that the rapid economic growth in China can be related to the major change
toward greater freedom that occurred in China after 1978.
This might be an appropriate point to return to a discussion
of the merits of strong leadership. Autocrats sometimes promote freedom. Mancur
Olson’s distinction between the incentives faced by roving and stationary
bandits (discussed here a few years ago) comes to mind at this point. However, I am more concerned to defend the
strong leadership of democrats like Margaret Thatcher than that of autocrats
like Deng Xiaoping.
Bill Easterly recognizes that
voting is not a sufficient condition for individual rights, but in my view he
does not pay sufficient attention to the current problems of democracies, which
were discussed here last week. Some democracies have had relatively good records
of defending individual rights and ensuring widespread opportunities for
individuals to flourish. In recent years, however, weak leadership in quite a
few democracies has permitted an explosive growth of public debt which has ended
up subjecting citizens to the “tyranny” of experts in the IMF and ECB.
Democratic political institutions are not always good enough to ensure that political
rights produce spontaneous solutions to economic policy problems.
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