However, by
the time I was about half way through ‘The Charisma Myth’ I was thinking that
the world might be a better place if there were a lot more charismatic people.
Olivia demystifies charisma by suggesting that it consists of three behaviours
– presence, warmth and power. Presence is about being fully present when you
are in a conversation with another person. Warmth is about being benevolent,
altruistic, caring etc. Power is about being perceived as able to affect the
world around you. It seems like a good idea for everyone to show interest in
what others are saying, to have good feelings toward other people and to show
through their posture that they know that they have a right to occupy space.
Soon after
that, however, I began to wonder whether it was the kind of book I should be
reading. I think it was the bit about imagining yourself to be a big gorilla,
taking up a lot of space, that got me wondering. The gorilla exercise might be
good advice for people who have doubts about their right to occupy space, but
it reminded me of the objectionable behaviour of someone I once met who held a
powerful position which entitled him to sit at the head of a board room table.
Instead of sitting in that position, this person sat at the side of the table, spreading
his papers to occupy the space of about three normal people and leaving less
space for everyone else. At the time I thought he was just doing it to display
his power, but I now wonder whether it was something he learned to do at a
leadership training course.
It was probably
the catchy title that motivated me to read this book. I was interested in
discovering the secret of charisma. But I must admit that once I started
reading I decided to do some of the exercises in the book to see if I could develop
some charisma. (It might take a lot of practice!)
I suspect
that most of the people reading the book will be looking for more effective
ways to win friends and influence people. That is not a problem, but the
sub-title, ‘How anyone can master the art and science of personal magnetism’,
might attract people who seek personal advantage at the expense of other people.
In his recent comments on the book, former blogger Arnold King, wrote:
self-help book I wish people would read is "How to recognize when you are
being seduced by charisma and dial down your response." I think that a
reader can find some of that information in this book, although it is not
presented with that purpose in mind’.
We know that
an attempt is being made to manipulate us when we detect pretence and
insincerity. Olivia suggests that most people find it easy to perceive when
others are being inauthentic because it shows up in their body language. Even
if people read the book for ulterior motives, there is a fair chance that if
they do the exercises they will tend to change their perceptions and behaviour in
ways that would make them show genuine presence and warmth. Hopefully this
would mean that they are less likely to knowingly exploit the vulnerabilities
of others. But it would still leave potential for charismatic leaders who believe
their own hype to lead their followers astray.
How can we
tell when a charismatic leader is claiming to do things that he/she is not
capable of doing? Imagine a political leader who obviously has massive confidence
in his/her own abilities. This person makes it obvious from what he/she says
that he/she listens to what ordinary people have to say. He/she shows great
personal warmth and presents a vision of how life could be better for everyone.
Are there
any warning signals to look for that might suggest whether such a leader is
likely to end up disappointing his/her followers? In my view, an ambitious
vision presented by a leader who shows no hint of doubt about his/her ability to
achieve the desired outcomes should be enough to set alarm bells ringing loudly.
The problem
is that a lot of people don’t want to hear the alarm bells. The expectations
gap (that I write about in Chapter 8 and 9 of the book I am writing) is as much
the result of voters wanting to be led to fantasy land as of political leaders
promising to take them there. Nevertheless, a leader can generate support by admitting
that he/she has ‘nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat’, when it
becomes obvious that unpleasant truths must be faced.
So, after
reading the book, do I think we are better off with charismatic leaders? Presence
and warmth are obviously good qualities for everyone to have, including
political leaders. As for power, I think it can be positive or negative depending
on its source. Leaders who display unlimited faith in their ability to accomplish
miracles will almost invariably disappoint everyone, including their followers.
Charisma is a plus when the power component comes from intellect and/or values
that might help the leader to do the job.
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