The great tax debate began about a year ago when Joe Hockey,
the former Treasurer, released a discussion paper prepared by Treasury. Rather than
suggesting a small range of options for consideration, the discussion paper put
66 questions on the table.
The answer that the authors were hoping to be given to some
questions was, nevertheless, fairly obvious. For example, when they asked how
important is it to reform taxes to boost economic growth, it was fairly obvious
that the authors were hoping to told it was important. When they asked how
should Australia respond to the global trend toward reduced corporate tax
rates, they were probably hoping to be told that Australia should seek to have
a tax system that would not deter foreign investment. Information provided in
the report implied fairly clearly that there could be economic gains from
relying less heavily on company taxes and stamp duties levied by State governments
and more heavily on GST and taxes on labour income.
However, the debate had hardly begun before Tony Abbott, the former
prime minister, began taking options off the table. He might have had good
reasons for that, but he kept them to himself. So, by the time Malcolm Turnbull
took over as prime minister, the great tax debate was becoming a fiasco.
Not long after prime minister Turnbull declared that all
options were back on the table, the Labor opposition began to claim that the
government was intending to raise and/or broaden the GST. The pressure became so
intense that the government announced a decision on the matter prior to
announcing the tax policy reform proposals it plans to take to the next
election. The PM stated:
"After you take into account all of the compensation
that you would need to ensure the change was equitable, it simply is not
justified in economic terms."
That has elicited a range of responses from economic
commentators. The most general response seems to have been that if a GST increase is
ruled out, that removes the potential for the government to go to the election
with a major tax reform program that would encourage economic growth. Some
commentators have suggested that such an outcome was predictable in any case,
so there was no point in having the great tax debate.
I don't think either of those responses is appropriate.
Time will tell whether the government is able to come up with a credible tax
reform package that will encourage economic growth. There is potential to do
so, but it will require the Commonwealth to transfer back to the States the
responsibility for raising more of the revenue required to pay for schools and
hospitals. The politics of the federation probably require the Commonwealth to
take a leading role in the tax reforms required at state level to enable that
to happen. The potential exists for the Commonwealth to play a leading role
because the payroll tax was once a Commonwealth tax before being given to the
States, in the forlorn hope that they would use it as a growing source of
revenue and become less dependent on Commonwealth grants.
Even if the conclusion of the great tax debate is that there
are no easy tax switch options to encourage economic growth, that doesn’t mean
that the debate was not worth having. If enough people had read and understood
the stuff I was writing on this blog (here and here) around this time last year, they might
have concluded at that point that there are no costless taxes and that the focus of the debate should be on how to reduce government spending. Other people were writing similar things - more
people probably read and understood some of their contributions - but they still had a negligible impact on understanding of the issues by
the general public.
The great tax debate was worth having as a public education
exercise. In order for people to persuade themselves to think seriously about
ways to reduce government spending they need to bring themselves to understand that there are no costless ways to raise additional government
When I wrote this a couple of days ago I had assumed that after the government rejected their proposal to increase GST in order to reduce the company tax rate the Business Council of Australia (BCA) had probably picked up its bat and ball and gone home to sulk for another decade or so . Yesterday, however, they have come back into the game stronger than before. The BCA has now proposed a tax reform agenda that will be difficult for this government to sweep off the table. It is well worth taking a look.
When I wrote this a couple of days ago I had assumed that after the government rejected their proposal to increase GST in order to reduce the company tax rate the Business Council of Australia (BCA) had probably picked up its bat and ball and gone home to sulk for another decade or so . Yesterday, however, they have come back into the game stronger than before. The BCA has now proposed a tax reform agenda that will be difficult for this government to sweep off the table. It is well worth taking a look.